As a proponent of lifestyle medicine, I’m here to share some good news I just got and some ways you, too, might arm yourself with new tools for health – tools to reverse your aging process.

As a holistic health coach for dogs and their people, I share a lot of tips that give people results with their dogs – lifestyle and environment tips that give dogs and people more energy and calm and less pain and discomfort.

Genes play a role in health, sure. But it’s a smaller role than you might think. And we may not know much about our dog’s genes, especially if they're mixed breed dogs from shelters like mine or rescued off the street. You may know that there are tests for breeds and sometimes for markers related to specific diseases, but genes actually play a smaller role in our health and our dogs’ health than things like diet, lifestyle, and environment. And that's the good news because it means our and our dogs’ wellbeing is largely within our control.

As I waited for my test results from the new-ish Inside Tracker tests, I hoped they would show I’m in good shape while also giving me tips to further optimize my wellbeing for more energy and longevity. And that’s just what happened.

The tests showed that my biological age is actually several years younger than my chronological age.

Yes! Score.

How can this be?

Am I some uber athlete? No. My main arm curls are to lift my coffee or wine.

Do I diet? Nope. I just eat well.

Is my sleep perfect? Certainly not these days, but I try.

But I take control of what I can in my environment and make lots of pro-health intentional choices. These daily consumer choices, lifestyle, environment and stress management choices all add up to a reversal of the aging process. And there’s plenty of room for improvement on my part. Who knows – maybe I’ll be even younger in ten years. 😊

If you want to learn about the various unconventional health tests available for people and dogs, reach out. It can really give you a leg up on longevity. It can save you precious time, and from making mistakes that cost your dog time. And we all know they don’t live long enough as it is.

We can now test our microbiome as well as our dogs’ and restore gut health when needed. We can test our omega levels as well as theirs, which impacts skin, fur, heart, brain and joint health. We can test our dog’s fur for toxins that need to be cleaned up. There are new cancer screening and early detection tests for dogs. We can test how well we detox and if we have sleep disorders. We can test human and canine vitamin and mineral levels. We can test our hormone levels and for allergies. We can test for tick-borne diseases and do titer testing to determine if our dogs are still protected from viruses by past vaccinations. There’s even a new test that checks how well your dog is digesting food, detoxing, if leaky gut is present, & identifying if there is inflammation.

Beyond testing, we need to pay attention to the options and choose those that support better health. It's not always clear, and that's why I'm here - to help people know their options and the consequences for better or worse, so they can see clear choices and make personalized decisions that best suit their needs and their dog's needs. Reach out if you’d like more information.
