My services support dogs AND the people who cherish them so they can all thrive.
I help dog parents be the best advocates for their family’s well-being.
I give actionable wellness information and guide people through sustainable shifts to better care for themselves and their dogs with personalized recommendations on lifestyle and behavior.
With a focus on holistic health, building resilience and balance, you can prevent chronic disease and improve daily living. See below & other services pages for more details.
New online course!
Holistic Health 101
For Dogs & Dog Parents
$187 (or payment plan)
A roadmap to make the best decisions for longevity
& quality of life
Individual sessions for people
& dogs together or apart
Includes post-appointment recording or written report
Distance energy healing & animal communication
Includes post-appointment brief call or written report
($47 if no post-appointment follow-up)
3-month program for people
& dogs together
$997 program
(Initial 15-minute phone consultation is free. Sessions can be for dogs & people together or separate when needed. )
Special offers:
20% off individual sessions for:
newly adopted dogs and new foster dogs from rescues and shelters in their first 3 months
animal rescue/welfare workers & their dogs
first responders, emergency medical personnel, & their dogs
Well Beings Unleashed offers holistic health coaching for animals and animal lovers.
Whether you have a companion animal, want more connection with animals, work as an animal advocate or want to explore a healthy diet with limited negative impact on animals, I’d love to explore working with you.
Pet parents have the great joy of our animals, but also the stress of care-taking and sometimes not knowing how to help an ailing animal or ourselves.
Animal advocates like rescuers often have the stress of not being able to save enough animals from abuse or shelter euthanasia. Other animal advocates might find they can’t get enough laws passed fast enough for protection and conservation.
Then there are animal lovers who may feel a void or seek more contact with animals, and may need help finding a good fit for pet adoption or volunteering with animals.
Finally, there are animal lovers who want to explore a more plant-based diet or healthy dietary changes for less negative impact on animals.
Holistic health is about more than nutrition. It’s also about lifestyle choices, environment, stress management, positive energy outlets, and balance. It’s about mind, body and spirit. As coaches, we help you with many pillars of health, which applies to your animals as well.