SERVICES for dogs AND the people who cherish them so they can all thrive.

I help dog parents be the best advocates for their family’s well-being. I give actionable wellness information and guide people through sustainable shifts to better care for themselves and their dogs with personalized recommendations on lifestyle and behavior.

With a focus on holistic health, building resilience and balance, you can prevent chronic disease and improve daily living. See below for more details.

Single Sessions: Holistic Health

For You OR Your Dog

1:1 Consultation/Coaching

(by phone, online or in-person)

I help you get clear on the best diet, environment, and lifestyle choices for your dogs and yourself and become a better advocate for your family’s well-being.

$125 per hour
20% discount available as per Services Overview page

Intake forms provided in advance of sessions to maximize benefit. Post-appointment recordings or written reports are included. Always best to dedicate a session to either of you and to alternate between sessions for you and your dog.

3-Month Coaching Program

For You AND Your Dogs


- two 90-minute sessions first month followed by two 60-minute sessions per month for months 2 & 3, totaling 6 sessions with the option to renew

- distance energy work for dogs before or after each session during the package when requested

- short & long-term goal setting within the areas of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health for you and your animals

- joint strategizing to meet your goals

- written session recaps, including progress report

- weekly availability to support you and your animal’s health journey, answer questions, find and help you evaluate any new products or lifestyle choices

- handouts/worksheets for suggested completion

- gift/giveaways upon completion of the program!


$997 total or $333/month

(Initial 15-minute phone consultation is free. Sessions can be for dogs & people together or separate when needed. By phone, online or in person.)

Digital Course

For You AND Your Dogs

Holistic Health 101 For Dogs & Dog Parents