Do you know how old your dog is? I didn’t when I adopted Django since he was a rescue whose history was unclear. Like many dog moms, I gave him a made-up birthday, November 7th - the day we met. We also celebrate November 12th as our “Djangoversary” since that’s the day I took him home - his “gotcha day”. Assuming he was one year-old back then as the shelter’s vet did, he’s now 13. Perfect timing for a bark mitzvah!

San Diego’s local Jewish Community Center hosted a “bark mitzvah” just in time and it was a fun-filled community event with 50 lovely dogs and their families. Rabbi Yael led us in both funny and meaningful blessings of the animals. A local rescue called The Cantu Foundation had pups up for adoption. A local pet supply shop Dexter’s Deli had healthy treats and Jewish-themed toys like the ‘Oy Vey’ squeaky toy and the Jewish star dog collar charm. The humans got bagels and coffee. Some dogs showed up in yarmulkes or pretty dresses. My pup Django wore his best bow tie and flirted with the pup in the prettiest dress. Another fluffy gal wore pearls. There was even a Chihuahua all the way from Israel, ironically….while we we’re so close to the Mexican border - home of the Chihuahua. There was a costume contest to coincide with Howl-o-ween and they played “Who let the dogs out.” As a former event producer, I have to say I was very impressed. There was no dog reading his ‘barktorah” portion from the “Toruff”, but I was a proud Jewish mother that day nonetheless. Lol. As a newbie to San Diego, I felt very welcomed and loved the community spirit and celebration of dogs.

Every year around my dog’s made-up birthday, I write him what I’d call a love letter. Do you do the same? Though he can’t read, doesn’t know all the words and can’t hear much anymore even if I do recite the letters out loud, these notes put good energy out to him and the world. Instead of focusing on the ANTS in our head - automatic negative thoughts - and all sources of stress and worry, how about we all write a love letter to our animals? Here’s one of mine to Django from many years ago.

November 2014

Dear Django,

Happy made-up birthday, Little Champ! We met 4 years ago today and became family. To my baby boy, my puppy, my Southern gentleman from North Carolina, Snoopy, Snoop Dog, Snuffaluffagis, Munchy, Djangy Django Mass who has many more nicknames, I love you times infinity and through eternity. You’re the reason I get up in the morning and the last one I think of before I go to sleep. Your name in Romani even means “I awaken”, and one fine morning years ago I woke up thinking I’d adopt a dog and name him Django (without knowing the translation). Best decision of my life was to become your mama. I hope I do right by you everyday. You inspired me to make a sea change in my path, and together, I hope we do right by all dogs and help save more who are homeless and abused.

Thanks for being so kind to that bird I was trying to save, for being sensitive to so many animals and people in need, for bravely protecting me late at night on the street, and nursing me back to health when I needed your TLC. Thanks for tolerating my constant hugs and cartoon voice when I talk to you. Thanks for making me smile and laugh all the time – you’re endlessly entertaining. Your signature ears crack me up. Your pre-walk downward dog yoga. Your funny little body that sometimes makes you look like a baby seal. Your dog park and hall sprints, tug of war, tail wags, head tilts, Baryshnikov outward-turned paws, playful barking calls, wrestling matches with your pals, mischievous moments, and morning cuddles.

Thanks for always being so happy to see me, too. Right back atcha. You bring so much joy.

Django, may you always be happy, healthy, and safe by my side.



For anyone thinking to expand the family with a dog, I can attest to the utter fulfillment these precious pups bring. When we rescue them from shelters, streets, and bad situations, they rescue us right back.


