Many of you reading this put someone else’s needs before your own. Whether it’s your animals, your children or someone else you care for, your generosity is commendable. But I’m here posing an important question: How well do you take care of YOURSELF?

Self-care is the term typically used in this case, but we don’t need labels. We just need to apply our oxygen masks before those of our dependents. I forgot to do that once and it landed me in the hospital - twice in a week. I left with one less organ and multiple blood transfusions from generous donors. The moral of the story is remember that oxygen mask.

Every Friday, I’ve been posting self-care tips on my social media accounts – Facebook and Instagram, at least: @WellBeingsUnleashed (or & )

If you or someone you know could benefit from such ideas and weekly reminders about that oxygen mask, you can follow along there.

The ideas incorporate things to do with your dogs or things that benefit them. After all, your stress reduction can mitigate their stress… because they also try to take care of us in their humble, quiet, soft and furry way. They also heroically protect us. Other than people like my father-in-law who is a retired fireman, how many people would run into a burning building for us? But dogs – there are so many stories of their heroic efforts in the face of fire.

But, back to you.

A holistic approach to self-care involves the mind, the body and the spirit. As much as possible, give your energy to the things that fuel you.

Spend lots of quality time with your animals. Surround yourself with people who support you and exit from toxic relationships…not that I’m suggesting you quit your job without a plan or just go MIA from your marriage. Give yourself the alone time you need. Catch up on sleep. Keep moving. Nourish your body and your mind.

We spend a lot of time in our heads. Make that a nice place to be. Try not to speak harshly to yourself…or to others for that matter. We spend a lot of time online – try to limit that consumption, especially the daily intake of whatever stresses you out. Make an effort to get out of your head by practicing mindfulness or meditation. And remember, you are not your thoughts. Let them pass, especially if they aren’t serving you and certainly if they’re harmful to you or anyone else. And with everything you consume on and off the plate, you can ask yourself: does it energize or deplete me?

If you only have 5 minutes to spare, consider a cuddle with your animals, a breathing exercise to calm the nervous system, a stretch break away from the computer, a good tune, jumping jax, or a cup of tea and a healthy snack.

If you’ve got a bit more time, how about a brisk dog walk around the block followed by listing a few long-term goals or a power nap, or finding a new recipe to make.

If you’ve got an hour, a warm shower with a cold splash, a meandering walk in the sun with your dog while you call a friend, an engrossing podcast while you make a healthy meal, a workout to good tunes or de-cluttering your space with your favorite comedian’s standup playing.

Consider a nightly ritual of thinking about something or someone for whom you're grateful that day. It helps you avoid running a to-do list in your head and stressing more. It's a tip from positive psychology and mindfulness practices.

One thing I do to look out for myself is baseline nutrition through a daily dose of Athletic Greens. I get a daily dose of vitamins, minerals, probiotics and other things so I don’t have to think too hard about finding balance in all my other meals – not to say I then go eat pizza and ice cream on the regular and forget about vegetables and other important macro and micro nutrients. Not too long ago when I had a hectic week, limited sleep and forgot to take my green juice, I got COVID - yup. It wasn’t fun. Quality sleep, quality nutrition and keeping stress in check are major keys to immune function. That time, I missed the mark. But I do try to find balance and calm most of the time. Sure, there are times in life that are just darn hectic or challenging. One thing’s certain, though – we weather those storms better when we have self-care rituals. Look out for yourself and more things may fall into place.

What’s one small change you can make in your day to take better care of yourself? Small changes can add up to big results over time.


